The exploit is a Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerability. Usually, an RCE allows hackers to run malicious code remotely onto a victim’s device. It can cause irreversible harm and also exfiltrate any stored information. Gamers took to Twitter and Reddit to spread the word and warn others to stay away from the current version of the game. Apart from Darks Souls 3, the exploit could affect Dark Souls, Dark Souls 2, and the upcoming Elden Ring. The latter is one of the most highly anticipated games of 2022.

What We Know About the Dark Souls RCE

On January 22, Saturday, Souls enthusiasts learned about a remote code vulnerability affecting online users of the PC version of Dark Souls 3. Dark Souls’ Twitter announced that it was temporarily shutting down PvP servers of all three Souls games. The decision shut down servers was made “to allow the team to investigate recent reports of an issue with online services.” This shutdown will not affect online gameplay on PlayStation or Xbox. At this time, there is no information on when the servers will be back up.

Hackers Tried to Reach Game Developer FromSoftware Before Hack

While this discovery is worrying, it is possible that the hacker does not have any malicious intent. In fact, a comment on the SpeedSouls’ Discord provides more information about the vulnerability. The commenter claims that the hacker is not a bad actor. They tried to contact FromSoftware after learning about the vulnerability. However, the developer did not respond. Thereafter, the “hacker” decided to exploit the vulnerability on streamers to shine a spotlight on the issue. The commenter also adds that the hacker is “unlikely to damage” computers.

Gamers Recommend Downloading Blue Sentinel Mod

Souls gamer Skelemann, who authored the tweet mentioned above, told players to avoid playing Dark Souls 3 in its current state. “On PC, there is a new, very serious exploit plaguing Dark Souls 3, which can cause lasting damage to your computer,” SkeleMann said. “This could brick your PC, let your login information be shared, or execute programs in the background like a Trojan Horse,” they added. Additionally, Skelemann recommends that PC gamers download the “Blue Sentinel” mod for the game. This is a community-made, anti-cheat Dark Souls 3 mod. The Blue Sentinel add-on helps identify hackers. Earlier, reports stated the mod was unable to detect the exploit yet. However, newer reports claim it has since been patched against the vulnerability. Since its release in 2016, Dark Souls 3 remains an immensely popular video game. It is the third in developer FromSoftware’s Souls line of games. If you found this story interesting and want to learn more about how to protect yourself from similar attacks, we recommend you check out our article on trojans.

New Remote Exploit Hacks PCs through Dark Souls Online - 1New Remote Exploit Hacks PCs through Dark Souls Online - 37New Remote Exploit Hacks PCs through Dark Souls Online - 36New Remote Exploit Hacks PCs through Dark Souls Online - 45