VPN Unlimited was launched in 2013 too. We tried to do what concerned professionals could do when noticed the spread of internet censorship. The primary goal of the service was and still is to give people access to the information on the internet without surveillance or limits. We believe in the freedom of information and the right to be private and anonymous online.

What makes VPNUnlimited different from other VPNs?

Our wide range of services from personal IP’s to personal VPN servers to SDK for third party developers to VPN for teams. We constantly develop VPN Unlimited. Our users are the best ones. Thanks to their feedback and contribution, we move forward and improve our offering.

Tell us about Roadmap Planner, your other offering.

Roadmap Planner is a business productivity app for managers and entrepreneurs. Strategic planning has always been a skill outstanding leaders had and developed. It helps executives lead their teams to the top. Roadmap Planner is a tool to help users to build a strategic plan. It takes you where you want to be in one, five, or 10 years. One of the best things is that it’s an application, which means you do not need an internet connection to work on your roadmap. Another point I’d like to mention is the ease of use. Building and improving your plan is not something you want to spend the whole day on. With this app, you need as little time as possible to make a coherent plan.

Does Keepsolid have any other products, or anything in development that you can speak about?

We cannot reveal any particular plans yet, but we are aiming at the corporate software market as we see huge opportunities there. Solutions, available on the market now, very often create a lot of problems with their usability and work pace and as a result they negatively affect the productivity of the whole company.

How did the VPN Unlimited SDK come about? Have you had a lot of interest in it?

I believe that in the near future security will be a must feature in most apps. We saw this coming and thought we could help other developers to protect their users information with ease. The idea of the VPN Unlimited SDK came up during the first year after the initial launch of the service, but we couldn’t concentrate on this work for a long time. Finally, half a year ago, we took a fundamental approach to this problem. Our solution will help many companies to focus on their own products and spend less time on guaranteeing security for their users data. We will do the job for them. They will not have to hire security professionals and spend months on development. Our SDK will let developers both encrypt the data of their users and avoid censorship limits, if any.

Your service is known to offer affordable prices and yet have many great options. How do you accomplish this?

As I mentioned earlier, we are working for the sake of our clients, not only for their money. That is why we are interested and pleased to extend the range of our services. We regularly do giveaways and sales, because we want to make our service available and affordable to people worldwide. Though we have more expensive options too. E.g. subscription to personal VPN servers, it’s not a mass solution, but quite many users prefer to have a server at their very own disposal.

Who is your typical user? Do you cater to a specific VPN need (eg. business user, torrent downloader)?

As we have so many options, our users vary too. According to the feedback from our users, 7-day plans are the most used by occasional travellers. Businessmen usually choose a 3-year subscriptions or lifetime plans so they can forget about security concerns once and for all. Also, we recently started working with the corporate sector, and are offering a VPN service that’s suitable for entire teams.

You are a young company, with a lot of competition. Is the VPN business landscape as competitive as it would seem? Or is there a sense of comradery amongst the many VPN services?

The market for VPN providers is quite big and the competition grows constantly. We were lucky to hit the market when this was possible with just a couple of computers and a few enthusiasts. I’m very proud that within a year after our launch many competitors started using ‘Unlimited’ in their titles too. This is an indicator of our active development and means that we became notable. Why we are worthy of being in the niche? Because we are not falling for money only. We have created a product with a unique range of features that we’ve been rolling out for our users. We gathered a team of professionals, who are keen on what we are doing and on the results we are getting.

What measures are being taken in your company to prevent outsiders as well as employees from looking at your uses data?

We do not store any information, which means there is nothing to get access to. Our employees, who set up the servers, signed an NDA along with agreements that do not allow them to take any attempts to get access to our users data. In addition to the privacy policy, a special internal security has been implemented. We developed the different levels of access to the data for our employees. Only accredited employees have access to the user base and the information about our users’ purchases.