The hacker group said the Iranian government’s brutal crackdown on journalists and protesters spurred the cyberattack. On Friday, Black Reward said it had hacked the email systems of Iran’s Nuclear Power Production and Development Company, and siphoned 50 GB of data — over 100,000 messages from 324 accounts. The group threatened to release the data if the government didn’t release people arrested during the protests and political prisoners. Iranian officials had downplayed the group’s threats, claiming it was a media stunt.

Details of Leaked Documents

In its message confirming the breach, Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization said the compromised emails only contain “technical messages and daily routines.” However, according to Black Reward, the leaked documents contain contracts, the operational schedule of Iran’s Bushehr plant, personal information of employees, as well as the visas and passports of Iranian and Russian nuclear specialists. The group published the files on Telegram. They also released videos showing Iran’s nuclear power plant in Bushehr. Black Reward cautioned users to access the leaked documents with a virtual machine as the files contain viruses. We have not assessed the leaked files, and can’t make any conclusive statements about their contents. Hackers have the Iranian government in their crosshairs. Earlier this month, another hacker group — Adalat Ali — hacked the country’s state-run news channel. The group reportedly breached the channel to show support for the ongoing protests that have rocked the nation. Meanwhile, Black Reward announced last week that it had also breached the systems of Iran’s state-run Press TV.

Violent Protests in Iran

Violet protests have rocked Iran since Mahsa Amini died at the hands of the country’s morality police, Gasht-e Ershad, in September. The 22-year-old, arrested for not wearing her hijab properly, was severely beaten while in custody. The widespread protests in Iran have been met with a heavy-handed response from the country’s security agencies. Iran’s security agencies have been accused of shooting, beating, and arresting protesters. So far, over 200 protesters have been killed and thousands arrested. The international community has taken a firm stance against Iran’s treatment of protesters, slapping new sanctions on the country. The Iranian government implemented new internet restrictions after the protests erupted, including blocking access to social media platforms such as Instagram and WhatsApp. Are you interested in learning more about the internet censorship landscape in Iran? Check out our article on internet censorship in Iran.

Hacktivist Group Breach Iranian Nuclear Agency  Leak Files - 21Hacktivist Group Breach Iranian Nuclear Agency  Leak Files - 20Hacktivist Group Breach Iranian Nuclear Agency  Leak Files - 35Hacktivist Group Breach Iranian Nuclear Agency  Leak Files - 29