Enter the Brand New Watch Dogs 2 Watch Dogs 2 is a breath of fresh air with a brand new protagonist called Marcus Holloway. While Marcus is still a hacker, he is not just looking to revenge a family death. Rather, he simply wants to be free from the immoral security system that is collecting data from all civilians and then ranks them based on their probability to commit crimes. It is a very interesting storyline that you will definitely enjoy once you get your hands on the game. Watch Dogs 2 really excels at bringing forward one of the best parts about hacking, which is simply being creative. Players now have all the tools they need to formulate their own paths in the free world and not feel forced to follow some predetermined steps. It is a much more immersive gaming experience, and you feel more in control of the hacks and the outcomes as compared to the first version. This explains why many people are very excited to get their hands on this game. The other huge area that has been improved is the introduction of a new city. The San Francisco Bay has been immaculately reproduced, and it is simply gorgeous to look at. It is a huge open world where you can engage in risky car chases in the winding main streets of San Francisco, infiltrate the cutting-edge offices of Silicon Valley and traverse the vibrant Oakland neighborhoods. Overall, the game is expected to receive very positive feedback from its avid fans.

Why You Need a Good VPN for Watch Dogs 2

Online gaming has become very popular nowadays as many people seek a richer multiplayer experience. Nevertheless, you must ensure that your identity and personal information are protected whenever you start your online game. This is where a good VPN for gaming comes in, and it can also offer the following benefits.

Unlock Watch Dogs 2 and play it from any location. Keep all your personal data safe online. Protects your machine from DDoS attacks Better connection speeds that reduce overall lag Hide your IP address so that no one can track you.

The following VPN is the best for Watch Dogs 2:

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